Aviation facilities need to provide access to authorized vehicles and personnel while protecting active runways from accidental or intentional vehicular security breaches.
Barrier arm operators secure access to parking facilities transit centers and dedicated roadways.
HySecurity perimeter security solutions offer: protection against hostile vehicle strikes, full functionality during power outages, durability under extreme environmental conditions, and interlocking controls between multiple gates at an access point.
Protected and accessible.BollardHostile Vehicle Mitigation
Worry free security.Barrier WedgeCrash RatedHostile Vehicle Mitigation
Ultimate stopping power.Barrier ArmCrash RatedHostile Vehicle Mitigation
Wedge and barrier arm hybrid anti-theft solution.Barrier ArmBarrier WedgeHostile Vehicle Mitigation
Legendary security, power, and durability.IndustrialSlide Gate
Smooth lift and swing action raises gate leaf to clear obstacles.IndustrialSwing Gate
Barrier arm for traffic control.CommercialTraffic Control
Reliable, low maintenance multi-lane traffic control.IndustrialTraffic Control
Barrier arm gate operator for parking facilities and traffic control.CommercialTraffic Control
Vertical lift gate operator for specialized applications.IndustrialVertical Lift
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