Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) is a regulatory program focused on security at high-risk chemical facilities.
Secure and monitor the facility perimeter, secure and monitor restricted areas and potential critical targets in the facility, control access through screening or inspecting individuals and vehicles upon entry and deter, detect and delay potential attacks are just a few of the CFATS Risk-Based Performance Standards (RBPS) for which chemical facilities now must plan.
Crash-rated barriers and bollards are essential in protecting critical infrastructure from accidental or intentional vehicle strikes. Additional gate operators can be used to create dual gate, sally port or sequenced gate integration.
It's important for all automated gate solutions to maintain full functionality during power outages, and remain durability under extreme environmental conditions.
Protected and accessible.BollardHostile Vehicle Mitigation
Worry free security.Barrier WedgeCrash RatedHostile Vehicle Mitigation
Ultimate stopping power.Barrier ArmCrash RatedHostile Vehicle Mitigation
Legendary security, power, and durability.IndustrialSlide Gate
Vertical lift gate operator for specialized applications.IndustrialVertical Lift
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