Nice G.O. App Hero

Nice G.O. App

Life just got smarter.

Introducing the new and improved Nice G.O. App that enables you to monitor and operate garage door openers and gate openers remotely, empowering you with peace of mind and convenience. Experience the world of smart, convenient, and secure with the perfect pairing of Nice G.O. and compatible garage door and gate openers from the Nice, Mighty Mule, Entrematic and Nice/Linear brands.

Garage and Gate Opener App™

Door/Gate Status Image

Stay up to date with real time notifications and status of garage doors and gates from any mobile device

Schedules Image

Enable peace of mind with scheduling auto open/close operations for both doors, lights and gates

Co-Owners Image

Invite up to 10 co-owners or guests into your secure ecosystem

Device History Image

Stay up to date with access to device history and activity timeline

Professional Support Image

The dealer's information can be stored in the app enabling timely troubleshooting support

iOS Store
Google Play Store
Opening doors and gates just got smarter Image

Opening doors and gates just got smarter

The Nice G.O. App helps you tap into a technology ecosystem that enables you and your loved ones to be on the go with peace of mind. Explore perfect pairing with smart Nice garage door and gate openers that keeps you up to date with activity, and operate doors and gates more securely.

What users say

  • Fantastic job, the UI is crisp and informative, the update process was simple, and most importantly, it worked without issue...on THE VERY FIRST TRY.

    David Nelson
  • Opening and closing the garage door is simple and convenient. Operation history is useful.

    Greg Tillitson
  • The app looks much more up to date. I really like the status indicators for battery, wifi and light on the main device screen and appreciate the attention to detail like the door animations.

    Brian Alexander

Integrates with ...

Nice G.O. is now fully integrated with the following apps and services.Upgrade your smart home experience today!

Google Home

Use Google Assistant to conveniently monitor the status of your garage door. Just remember, for security purposes, a PIN code is necessary to operate the door, which can easily be set within the user-friendly Nice G.O. App.

Control and monitor your Nice G.O. connected, Nice, Linear, Mighty Mule, and Entrematic Garage Door and Gate Openers from your system.

Nice Home Management

Your Nice G.O. connected opener can now be controlled, monitored, and included in any home activities with the convenience of the Nice Home Management system.


Use Alexa to conveniently control and monitor the status of your Nice G.O. connected Linear, Mighty Mule, or Entrematic garage door and Mighty Mule gate openers.

Migration Update

Entrematic and Linear apps have transitioned to our new and improved Nice G.O. App. With improved device pairing, new cloud infrastructure, and redefined user interface, this app is your one-stop shop to leave all your worrying at the door.

Note: Old credentials can be used when switching over. If you've forgotten your password or want to create a new account, please reset your password in Entrematic/Linear apps.

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